Experienced Boosting Leg workout in detail with Video

I’ve had a ton of requests for more workout videos demonstrating an actual workout for an experienced level lifter who is in their BOOSTING phase.  The Boosting phase is all about lifting HEAVY with good recovery between sets.  The goal is to take about 2 minutes between each set.

SSS live workout: Experienced Boosting Legs


Experienced Boosting Legs (ph 3 log)

Lift Lower Body

4 sets total×10, 8, 6, 10
Pliet Butt Squats
Knee Extensions
4 sets total ×10, 8, 6, 10
Leg Curls (NOTE- I substituted DEAD LIFTS)
4 sets total ×10, 8, 6, 10
Walking Lunges- go HEAVY
2×10-15 -butt focus
Calf Raises

Videos- of this workout

Part 1- Squats


Part 2- Pliet Butt Squats

Part 3-Knee Extensions

Part 4- Dead Lifts

Walking Lunges- do these with holding DB’s


Calf Raises



2 Replies to “Experienced Boosting Leg workout in detail with Video

  1. Thanks for the videos they really do help 🙂 I have done these today and i can feel it already, but i think it’s because i’ve added that to my normal routine lol… Now I need something extra for those flabby arms of mine so they can stop waving when i do …. lol Thanks 🙂

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