40 days to FIT!! Day 17~ wanna WAIST?

If you want a Waist, there is more than ABS to think about. I am naturally an “apple” body type…I hold any excess weight in my core…YUCK! Well after having 4 kids (including twins by c-section) I was very scared that I’d never have a waist again…BUT that FEAR and ANGER propelled me towards doing everything I could possibly think of to regain my WAIST. I wanted a WAIST!!!

DO you wanna waist?

having a waist means more than just working your core it means you need to build a symmetrical, HOUR GLASS figure.  Think of the way an hour glass looks~ wider on top, thin in the middle and wider on  the bottom, right?  Well in order for us ladies to have a waist we need to be sure that we address the “wider on top” portion of the equation.  That means doing upper body exercises for our chest and our backs and shoulders.

A great exercise for building up your back and shoulders is the DB LAT ROW…Here’s a demo~

My workout today was for my back and shoulders (with a bit of biceps thrown in):

Pull ups
10 (over hand), 8 underhand

wide cable lat pulls
60#’sx5 together and 5 on each armx3 sets

Lat pull machine

Seated rows- one arm at at time
70#x10x3 sets

shoulder press machine

Arnold’s- one arm at a time

each set above paired with
DB bicep curls and knee ups on bench

Bicep curl machine
50x10x3 (plus some short burn out ones)

Cable pose down bicep curls

Abs- roman chair, ab roller crunches and side crunches, leg raises

Elliptical 3 mins; bike 9 mins; pool time with kids.

Please comment for your accountability~ stay focused…24 days (including today) left to get FIT!!!

Eat your Spinach!!
BuffMother, Michelle Berger




22 Replies to “40 days to FIT!! Day 17~ wanna WAIST?

  1. I feel the same exact way. Through writing and responding to your blogs, I realize that it takes a lot of work. I feel like I have wasted money on a trainer although I have learned a lot. I can’t wait to get home so that I can get into my routine. I feel like once I get my routine established with working out, the kids, and my career, I can plan better. I am so glad I joined this group.

  2. Love this exercise……It ends up being very aerobic for me….I get out of breath….am I just out of shape or not doing it right?

  3. Yes you will find that lifting does challenge a person’s aerobic fitness~ it’s all good!!

  4. day #17….im on my way out to buy myself some ankle weights and resistance bands…I can no longer wait for my trainer to come with this stuff 2x/week.I need to work out MORE than that!!!!Still feeling good, energized, and hopeful…even though i put on 2 lbs since yesterday…YUK! thats ok though…i know its just bloating and water weight…Have a great day!!!!

  5. Thanks you look great as always! It was so much more helpful to actually see you do it. I love you for all you have done for me Michelle and we have never even met!!! You are an example of WWJD -What would Jesus Do!!! Thanks again!!!

  6. awesome abs! I like the demo, I am realizing the importance of concentrating on the targeted muscle, to get the most benefit out of the exercise. It really makes a difference.

  7. From what you say about getting a waist i am following the right workout path. The one thing I do know in addition is sugar is evil! 🙂 I eat every other healthy food the way I should but have not dropped my daily sweets habbit and it is slowing my results i am sure. This is my next challenge to attack. I am sure i will feel better too. If we dont challenge ourselves to change and grow we wont be happy with ourselves…..Jackie Warner said this and she is right.

  8. Hope your birthday was good this week:-)
    had a bit of setback today & ate loads of junk as felt even with weight loss will never be buff, still disabled with pain just less chubby! Just shows what negative thinking does to your appetite! Still,got some squats done & hey can feel some muscle didn’t know I had.

  9. I am a pear shape, so I like the lower body workouts best. It is a great feeling to watch my butt shape up!

  10. Great advice. Gonna keep working those shoulders. Except i am a triangle shape. So I have wide shoulders which goes in at the waist and it’s straight all the way down from there. Have to use clothes to create that hour glass shape.

  11. It’s an extra long weekend here in the UK & I’ve had such a bad time with my diet I want to cry. Why do I sabotage my efforts?????? I physically hate myself for eating such utter rubbish today yet it doesn’t stop me before I put it in my mouth. Time to get some help from Team BuffMother on FaceBook 🙁

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