HI Ladies!! I have got to say that week #1 of our contest has been AMAZING!! There are so many new faces that I’m having a hard time keeping track I know that within a few weeks, I’ll have a better understanding of who each of you are… So please keep posting, so that we all can get to know each other more. 🙂
I ran across a great quote the other day- “Your fully exploited strengths are of far greater value than your marginally improved weaknesses.”- Andy Stanley
It’s so true!! What are your strengths? focus on them and use them!!!
My personal week #1 started off GREAT. But, by Wednesday I knew I was a bit sick. I still pushed through it to keep my mojo rollin’, but I expect to have a much better week #2!! Thanks everyone for your well wishes, I’m on day 3 of my z-pack today and already feeling much better!!!
Here’s my consistency report:
Weekly Consistency Report
How many weight workouts did I complete last week:
M: runHills + back T: chest tri + full body weight workout w/client
Wednesday: OFF,
Thurs: took pics, stats, video boosting wo’s +a short run(buring lungs!!) then legs F: tiny upper on fri – started Z pack Saturday: light hiking outside
Basically 5 ish, workouts
How many intervals training sessions did I complete last week: Hills monday, bike 13mins on fri, short run on thurs prior to legs (burning lungs); light hike Sat
Only 1 true interval workout- the other stuff “counts” a bit
How many days of the week did I workout: 5
What obstacle did I overcome in order to get it done? Being sick Who did I encourage this week? Loads of people, but specifically my acting coach KIM
MY POA (Plan Of Attack!!!!) for this week #2- Date:1-27-14
What is my main goal this week with my workouts? regain energy from being sick; keep joints healthy
What is my main goal this week in my diet? Keep it clean no chips! and focus on drinking water!!
antibiotics are very dangerous to lift heavy on because they attack the good bacteria found in your Joint’s lubrication system. If you are on a antibiotic, be VERY careful in your lifting so that you don’t injure your ligaments, tendons and joints.
How do I see my workouts shaping up this week? Sunday: run outside I’ll be careful with this, but it’s sunny and 60+!!
Monday: on antibiotic (
and long day for work, just light lifting (buffing workouts from book- get on video) Tuesday: On antibiotic Another BUSY work day– Interval run only Wednesday: Return to REAL workouts~ Legs Thursday: Back/Shoulders/biceps + intervals Friday: Chest/triceps Saturday: Legs Sunday: off or maybe a run??
That may be a bit of an aggressive POA, but I tried to make it “do-able”…we’ll see.
As I mentioned today is gorgeous outside, so I must get off this computer now and get into the sunshine again today. I was out in it yesterday and I KNOW it’s helping me feel better!!
Your friend, Michelle,”Ellie” Berger