Yeah that’s right ~ I’m gonna be buff!!


How do you like my truth hammer for today: “YEAH that’s right..I’m gonna be BUFF!!!”

My Buffing phase ends today c-day 19…but that’s not gonna stop me from being BUFF for my birthday.  I’M GONNA BE BUFF!!

Good Morning my friend,
Today I am here to tell you “I’m Gonna Be BUFF!!”

That’s my “Truth Hammer” and I plan on using it!!!
Truth Hammers CRUSH DOUBT
Truth Hammers Enforce Belief
Truth Hammers POUND in the TRUTH
Truth Hammers OVERCOME!!

And so far all is well in the diet category:
coffee with cream
Brussels sprouts
a carrot
3 scrambled eggs

My planned workout today will be to get in a full body lifting workout and some intervals on my upright bike.
Plus, I’ll stretch a bit afterward~I uploaded a bunch of new videos to my you tube about stretching, try some they feel GREAT!


Have a Killer day!!
YEAH that’s right..YOU are gonna be BUFF!!!

-Michelle Berger, aka “BuffMother!”

p.s. here are the stretching videos




13 Replies to “Yeah that’s right ~ I’m gonna be buff!!

  1. I took some pics today and there is some great progress since the beginning. Tomorrow I start buffing so I am SO GOING TO BE BUFF! I like your truth hammer.

  2. Wow!! Look at you go! AWESOME job on the intervals! I hope to get that kind of speed at some point. My fastest this week was 8.5, which was a PB for me. : )

    And I ADORE your new truth hammer and am totally borrowing it. I rocked legs today by following your plan. Hit some new PBs and really felt them. I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow. I LOVE being sore! I’m excited for the new workouts next week! I have a birthday party tomorrow, so that will be my cheat day, but I’ll be rockin’ a bikini for the first time this year and I know that will help keep me somewhat on track. : )

  3. I DID IT!!!!!!! Smashed my leg work out today and CRUSHED some doubt along with it!! 😉

  4. Today was a very tired day for me, but I did a shorter leg and ab workout. Also, did some running with the kids. Have a great BUFF day!

  5. Did my leg workout this morning. It was hard, but good! Did nothing else, though, except go up to the lake and lay out!

    This is my 4th week of taking Creatine. All I’ve noticed is that I have gained a few pounds. But, I’m not eatting a perfectly clean diet — and maybe that is a MUST? For example, I’m about to have a glass of red wine. We’ll see. I’m going to push through to six weeks. I’m hoping I’ll see something!

    Thanks for the motivation!

  6. Off to do my workout before running my son to golf. I too am going to be buff! 🙂 i cant imagine turning into a saggy soft old lady even if i cant control the age part i can keep a handle on my fitness. Happy birthday Michelle….its my birthday too! 🙂 have fun!

  7. I just read last night in the book i am reading about how once you let a negative thought into your heaf and allow it to take over any more pf your energy, even if it is totally unfounded, you have made it true for you. So crush those negative doubtful thoughts! Let them go! I can be buff! I am worth it! Thanks Michelle

  8. Things have been so busy with the kids finishing school that I havent been able to post much; but I have been reading the posts! I can see I am going to be buff. Noticing some great changes to my body, but my lower ab area is still got the loose, nasty skin puff. I am thinking the only way to actually get rid of it might be surgery. I have had 4 children and a tubal reversal and c-section. So had 2 surgeries that cut that area, what are your ideas on this?

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