40 days to FIT!! Day 5~Rally Room "rest intervals"

Hey all!!

I am right in the midst of my workout and using my “rest intervals” for
Rally Room time!! I love it!!

My workout is going like this:

run 20 mins

3 rounds of sprints/drills:

Sprint 100m (fire hydrant to fire hydrant)
Walk 25m driveway to driveway
Walking High knees- 25m
Skipping High knees*- 25m
walk 25 m

pull ups
10, 6

3 sets of the following-
5 pull upsx10 bent over lateral raises with 15#db’s+ 5 upright rows

One arm DB lat rows- alternating arms no rest between sets

Now I am done and off to enjoy the family and some summer sunshine!!
Have a FAB Weekend!!!

your friend,
FYI~ during buffing I am eating really low carb- shooting for 3 servings per day- about only 75grams…it’s hard while I am on creatine, but doable.
and *here is a video of the “Skipping High Knee” drill I did today:



66 Replies to “40 days to FIT!! Day 5~Rally Room "rest intervals"

  1. Hi Michelle, I read that you keep carbs to 3-4 servings per day, does this include fruits also?

  2. I love the standing knee-ups that you posted a video for a few weeks ago. I feel ridiculous doing them in the gym, but they are really good for the lower tummy where I have the most trouble.

  3. It’s day 5 already? I got out early for my bike ride. Dod 48 miles in 3.5 hours. That’ll probably be it for the day.But who knows maybe I’ll jump on the trampoline later.

  4. I haven’t given up. I was down for a couple of days my daughter fell on my already sparined ankle & I started my cycle!!! Tough start for me. It is especially hard with Hydothyriodism & Anemia. BUT I am on the road to recovery today. I am ampd up!!!

  5. We went to King’s Dominion today and it was HOT! So lots of walking plus lots of sweating equals a great workout today. 😀

  6. Okay Michelle, my biggest struggle is cardio! I just don’t love it like I should. Do you suggest doing circuit intervals (high intensity for 1 minute on the treadmill between exercise sets) or a straight cardio hour on the machine of choice at steady state or HIT?

  7. OMG I ran into circuit vids on you tube. AWESOME. I will start using them on Monday. I can’t wait!

  8. Day one for me- a bit late but ran and beat my time for my first mile. My goal is 8 lbs in three weeks before school starts back. We will see.

  9. yep…fruits are carbs and great ones at that!! I love raisins for my pre workout carb!

  10. Hey Michelle and my fellow fit clubbers!……This weekend was good went to the gym Sat and Sun…..started sprint intervals on the eliptical…..ppl looked at me weird….but it was actually fun……sweated a lot…..Lost 2 more lbs….Yeah!!!….I showed my DH your chest, back and leg approach…..since he has been a bodybuilder for 20+ years I wanted his opinion…..He said it would be good for me to do…..so started with chest on Sunday….sore today but a good sore…..back today!!

  11. Day 5, DH and I walked for 1 hr today in the blazing summer sun and then I did 15 min on abs. Gotta keep him on track while we’re on vacation.:-)

  12. staying on track during vacation is important…keeping MOJO at all times is important 😉

  13. Day 5
    Just did intervals on treadmill for 45 mins. Will be working on inner & outer thighs as well as butt a little later, have a daughter with a sore shoulder from softball practice yesterday home today, kind of throwing me off schedule

  14. Kids seem to have a way of doing that~ you did great to get your treadmill run done!! WTG!!!

  15. I think I may be posting on the wrong links… how do I find out if I’ve been “accountable” correctly the last 4 days?

  16. you can go back through your e-mails…
    I think you are posting in the right spot! thanks for the comments~

  17. My day #5 was awesome.. I looked at your leg workout and sent it to my trainer… Hpefully, mine will start to shape and develop especially in the hamstring area…

  18. My day 5- just finished my weights session and off to do some cardio now!

    Michelle, I just watched you doing crunches on the ball the other day and I followed the same technique as I wasn’t extending my body as far.
    WOW is all I can say! lol
    My ribs felt like they had been run over by a truck…

    Got all my water and protein in….. 🙂

  19. Well doing intervals was working for me when i was going to the gym. Right now im out in the field and it kinda hard to run out here but i do what i can to kepp up with my work out.

  20. Im trying to keep carbs in check at all times. Yesterday was crazy. It was my cheat day of all cheat days. Had a great workout though. Day 5 is Sunday. Will get something in, but busy with kids, fathers day and I have to drive to my parents tonight.

  21. Today was a great day! I had tons of energy. Great on my diet, got a couple walks in during my work day and was at the gym for an hour tonight. I’m trying not to step on the scale but the skirt I wore to work today was a tish loose. I’m going by clothes not weight at this point, but feel like I’m starting to make progress. I love posting on this blog too. I feel like I’m being held accountable for my fitness plan! Thanks Michelle!

  22. Good for you!! and you are just a few days into it!! just think how much progress you can make by the end of the 40 days!!
    Glad you are feeling the accountability!

  23. taking a break from working out on day 5…I will be working in the garden today, and figure its a perfect day to not lift weights.Besides, Im sore from yesterday’s workout(yeah!!!:))Still need to get up the nerve to take some before pics of me…ughhhhhh

  24. Well, weekends prove to be harder for me with my family all around and we’ve celebrated a birthday. I ate what I shouldn’t have and could dwell on this fact, but I guess I just need to jump back in with the plan and hope to burn off those fat calories. Gotta’ do better….

  25. Thanks for the video very helpful!!! I am having fun with my book just started buffing today- the weight training. Not sure if it’s just 3 sets each and done or three sets each rest three sets each repeat. I will have to reread tonight to figure that out but for today did 3 sets of each for upper body and 42 mins cardio!! I feel fantastic!!

  26. damn all this running is killin me need better shoes or inserts i thinkin but headin back to gym today

  27. Going to try this today, mild here in NC with a little rain today. I love the rain and love being outside in the rain.

  28. Great info michelle and thanks for looking out for the average jane on possible attacks ..I my self have been attacked its very traumatic be alert beware..don’t have your music too hi towhere it drowns out all the noise around you.. be safe.

  29. I’be been trying to do the intervals instead of longs periods of jogging, aerobics and have still been able to make it a challenge. I’ve been trying it outside on a mountain bike and its been a nice break for my knees! I bought a stopwatch for the intervals. I’m trying to workout smarter!

  30. OH that’s fun!! I’d have to practice a ton before joining a zumba class too– enjoy it!

  31. Tried a trial Zumba on the Kinnect with one of my daughters. I am a weights and treadmill/elliptical kind of girl. I have to admit, I kind of liked it. I have ne’er been one to like the whole aerobics class world. Never could keep up with the steps and felt like a fool. May just have to try more Kinnect Zumba and work up to a live class!

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