OH Man!! Was I BEAT after yesterday…Thank GOD I don’t have to go anywhere beside the gym today!!  I am enjoying the laid back quality of today.  Just me and my computer for a bit!

My day yesterday went well, but I didn’t get in my upper body workout. I did get my run done and stayed active most of my day with moving junk and MOWING!  I just wanted to get around the house a bit, but the Crazy mower was getting bogged down constantly- I had to clean it out and restart it over and over again!  I can’t wait to get a  riding one~ just have to get HUBBY to pull the trigger on it.  It’s gonna be “his” deal, not mine, lol!

Anyway, the kids are good– they have had benchmark testing all week.  So NO HOMEWORK!!! YAY!!  Silly Layla has lost her glasses AGAIN– If they don’t turn up today, I will have to get a new pair ordered ASAP.  She has really bad vision in one of her eyes– a muscle problem- so she’s supposed to “patch” her good eye in order to make the bad eye work.  Without glasses her good eye takes over even more– so…I must get her a pair.

The AC guy was supposed to come this morning—-  I guess that’s not gonna happen being that it’s past noon already.  I just hope they don’t decide to show up right at my “gym time”. -my downstairs AC isn’t working quite right– part of the time it doesn’t blow air thru the vents??

If you are still reading this, congrats, lol!! Blah, blah, blah— time to eat!

Talk to you later babes!!




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