Week in REVIEW and POA!!

Hey Everybody…Did you miss me?  FYI, I’ve “caught up” on this blog today, and will try to do better about staying current.  I’ve been busy, more busy than ever!

I feel good today! I am at peace and excited about the progress my body has shown over these last 2 weeks! I feel that I’ve rebuilt my strength base and will be able to see some BIG results over the next 3 weeks.

My week in review:
M-Home back workout (30 min)*
T-Chest tri Intervals (1hour)
W-Legs (30 min)
Th-Back, Bi, Shoulder (1 hour)
F-Intervals on treddy (20min)
Sa-quickie chest wo (20min)
Sun-run/walk(rt vmo pain) bike 1 easy:1 hard:off bike exercise (30min)
*noted how long each workout took…just so you know It doesn’t take HOURS AND HOURS to get results- EFFICIENT EFFECTIVE EXERCISE!!

POA- 2nd week of boosting Lifting (mostly 4×10,8,6,10)
T-Chest tri intervals
W-Back Bi Shoulders
Sa-Chest tri Intervals

My eating needs a bit of work still, lol! I have been trying to eliminate Bread and dairy–however somehow Cheese has been creeping into my diet –that sneaky stuff!! So this week I’ll continue to progress and eat at maintenance levels, until buffing starts, then I will HIT IT HARD!!

Off to the movie store!
OH my review for the Illusionist….It was a bit slow and drawn out, but finished strong. So I’ll give it a B

have a great week!



One Reply to “Week in REVIEW and POA!!”

  1. Dear Sweet Michelle,
    I love reading your blogs; you are always so cheerful. I wish I had some of your energy and positive attitude! I also love the suprsise posters you leave to your friends on MySpace. It’s always a great picker-upper!
    Just continue to be yourself and know that you have a devoted audience of admirers out there.
    Have a great day!

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