Want SORE abs?: “Fab Abs” Day 10

Hello, hello!!!  Guess what??  I RARELY GET SORE ABS!!! BUT…When I do I am sure to write it down- the following workout KILLED my abs–

So…I thought I’d share my “AB Kill” workout for our Day #10 Fab Abs Challenge

#1 Run several sprints*- 100m as fast as you can GO! (Do 4-6 as hard as you can go with full recovery between)…
#2 Do HIGH KNEE DRILLS (2 sets of 30meters)…

#3 Old school sit ups- about 200 of them…These were right after sprints

Then add in these exercises throughout the rest of your day or workout:

#4 Roman chair/Hanging knee ups- about 60 total (2-3 sets of 20-30 is good)…
#5 Knee ups on a bench 2 sets of 30 reps….
#6 Ab hyper-extensions (like a back bend on the lower back extension machine or you can do it on the ball)- lower slowly 2 sets of 10-15 reps….

#7 AB wheels 1-2 sets of 15 reps…

Try it and Let me know if you get sore!!

* if you can’t “sprint” try doing super intensity 20 to 30 seconds on the bike, elliptical or stair mill or some other form of intervals instead
Have a kick-belly day #10! LOL!!

The Key to your Motivation is to Encourage others!




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