Mon, 2012/09/03 – 10:30pm — BuffMother
Once again, I am more inspired than ever!!
This weekend was great and I want to keep enjoying my LIFE for many, many years— to me my fitness is about Quality of that Life…..
And Quality of LIFE is about choices. Good choices are rewarded!! Bad ones, not so much ;(
I want to have a HIGH Quality of life!
Now that summer is over- It’s time to buckle down and make even BETTER choices!!!
Let’s stay inspired and work it hard this week~ I plan to!!
Love ya,
Wed, 2012/09/05 – 6:45pm — BuffMother
I just wanted to write a bit about how when workouts don’t get done or your plan of attack needs modification due to “life happening”–(BTW-I’m giving myself this pep talk, and figured you may want to listen in)
DON’T FRET IT when things DO NOT go as PLANNED!! The stress response you create in your body from FREAKING out may be more detrimental than any missed workout or BAD food choice you make. Our bodies are amazing machines– they adapt and REACT to the stimulus we put on them. If you freak out mentally — your body will go into “emergency” mode in the physical. AND that’s the opposite of what you want when you are trying to lose weight or have motivation and energy for your workouts.
The important thing is to not give yourself easy “outs” and be DETERMINED about getting back on track ASAP with your plans and goals. We only fail when we quit trying or just let ourself off the hook when there is not a valid excuse any longer.
Due to some important life circumstances, I missed my workouts on Mon & Tuesday…and today’s had to be modified a bit– It’s going to be OKAY!! The situation has been resolved and TOMORROW– I’ll get back on track.
Love ya ladies!! Keep being so determined– It’ll bring you success!!
LOD= Side lunges
Thu, 2012/09/06 – 10:18am — BuffMother
In honor of our 100 lunges per day challenge I’ve been posting a LUNGE OF THE DAY–
today’s version is SIDE Lunges– If you watch the video, PLEASE help me by posting a short comment on my you tube video. Thanks!!
Some variety of lunges you may want to try:
Stationary Lunges
Walking Lunges
Jumping Lunges
Side Lunges (including Skater and Jumping Side)
Box Lunge with Dumbells
Box Lunge (3 variations) body weight only
Forward Lunges
Backward Lunges
BB Foward Lunge (includes Russian variation)
BuffMother! Smith Lunges (butt emphasis)
BuffMother! Smith Lunges (basic)
Starter style Walking lunges no weight
Thu, 2012/09/13 – 7:07am — BuffMother
I feel like I’ve been posting quite a bit but most of it’s been contest related, not personal blogs. Let me catch you up:
M- ran a warm up and then 2 hills and 5 fast sprints– I also mowed/trimmed lawn
T- ran a longer run with some intervals in it
W- tennis lesson and a bit of chest workout
Today is all about getting some much needed paperwork done, a upper body lift completed, a run done and then cheering Gunner on in his football game in a town about 1 hour away–so once about 4 pm hits, we’ll be off to the races for the night.
I’m a bit frustrated with myself regarding my lifting frequency this month– I don’t know what happened to the momentum I had for it about 4-6 weeks ago?? I guess I’ve added tennis and more running to my routine, so that may have thrown me off a bit. PLUS we had a cold/flu push through our house last week, so that always alters things… I tell clients quite often that we can’t do it all– training is very much “SPORT SPECIFIC”– that’s why you can’t have marathoners who are bodybuilders, Golfers who are also great tennis players, MMA fighters who are also bull riders, etc… physical fitness is very specific to the sport you are training. If you care at all about “performance” in that sport, you will find it necessary to dedicate your training specifically to that sport– that’s why it’s called “sport specific training” I need to remind myself of that– if I’m giving more focus to my running, my lifting focus will suffer and vise/versa
here’s my plan for the remainder of the week:
Fri- Lift legs
Sat- run and upper body
Sun- off (I’ll be active, but no official workout)–maybe some tennis
Tennis is going well, it’s fun to have someone help me with my form. It’s so much easier to hit the ball with proper technique– I just need to practice more when I’m not at my lesson. I’ll have to enlist my kids to help me “play” some more
In the hormone front, TOM arrived on time yesterday– 28 day cycle for me. I’m glad the fog is lifted and buffing is around the corner :cheer:
We’ll I’m off to check on your blogs~ have a TERRIFIC Thursday!!
SSS Week 04- Ph 1 log~Beginner Buffing UB and example interval workouts
SSS Week 04-
Ph 1 log~Beginner Buffing Upper Body and example interval workouts
Push ups on Wall
to failure
Bent over DB Rows
Chair dips
Shoulder press
Bicep curls
lateral shoulder raises
3x 10
ABS with each workout
Knee ups 3x 15
Crunches 3x 15
Summary of Buffing Phase:
- Do something Every OTHER day
- 2 lifting workouts per week
- Workout is a circuit: do exercises in order a total of 3 times
- Very little rest between exercises
- 2 interval sessions and 1 active rest day each week
- Focus on dieting and losing weight
- do some ABS every time you workout
BuffMother! Interval Training
20 min is always the goal
Phase 1 & 2:
5 min. warm up -WALK around the block
1 min. hard- Jump rope
2 min. easy-WALK in place
1 min. hard -Jump rope
2 min. easy- WALK
1 min. hard-Jump rope
2 min. easy-WALK
1 min. hard-Jump rope
5 min. cool down (walk around block again)
This is 20 min total: 4 hard min. total
*If you don’t feel exhausted by the end, increase the intensity of all hard and easy min.
Fri, 2012/09/14 – 6:57pm — BuffMother
I’m so happy with how my leg workout went– the highlights were 2 sets of squats at 165#’s– the first 6 reps, the second at 3 (this set was the 6th overall, so I was getting tired)
And deadlifts at 155#’s…it’s ben awhile since I’ve gone this high in weight and i feel it already!! YAY!! :cheer:
here’s a picture Gunner took of me squatting 155
accountability pics
Sun, 2012/09/16 – 12:14pm — BuffMother
I’m so happy to be buffing again– I am on cycle day 5 and this past week was a much better one than week #3.
My runs went well– I ran 4 times M(trail and sprints), T (road), Th (treadmill), Sa(treadmill)
I also had a tennis lesson, lifted 4 times: Wed (chest), Thurs (back)Friday legs, Sa (upper body)
I’ve decided I’ll take a picture each time I workout– to help me stay accountable- Yesterday I took this one:
The main goal now is to lose a bit of weight so I feel “happy” and comfortable in my clothes at the family weddings coming next month. A month is plenty of time for me to lose a little bit of fluff.
Hope you are as excited as I am for week #5!!
Love ya’!!
OH did I mention???
Tue, 2012/09/18 – 9:11am — BuffMother
OH did I mention??? “I’m on vacation” …DH decided to take the week off and since I’m his buddy– I’m trying to do the same, lol!
We are in love with our home so our vacation is a “stay-cation”….we’ve got lots of projects and fun on tap!
I did get in a mini-workout yesteday– Here’s the pic
and the workout video on YouTube:
Today it’s SUNNY here and gorgeous!!
I’ll be outside most of the day– a RUN is on tap for my workout today!!!
Have a great Tuesday~
Tue, 2012/09/18 – 5:31pm — BuffMother
A couple weeks back I had a longtime Team BuffMother member ask to do a give
away of BUFFMOTHER products~ I said SURE, so she made it happen!!
Please follow the link and scroll down to end of the article to enter the GiveAWAY~
It’s FREE no strings attached!!
GIVEAWAY details:
Worldwide, must be over 18. Ends 09-24-2012 at 11:59pm EST
Total Package Value: $105.75!
– Books (HT and ABS), autographed by Michelle Berger ($29.95)
– 60 day supply of HT Pills ($42.90) with Dispenser ($9.95) and
– One Long Sleeved Shirt of Your Choice! ($22.95)
Be sure to enter and Best of Luck!!
My run today went well–
Love ya,
Time is flying by!!
Sat, 2012/09/22 – 8:56am — BuffMother
Wow, time sure is going by fast….I’ve been on a vacation all week here at home– Not too much to report besides I’ve been having fun just “hanging”, working on our property and enjoying the cooler days (not that 85 is cool, just that it is COOLER than it was in July and August here)– workouts have been pretty much non-existant though.
Tuesday and Wednesday I tried a new “thermogenic”/”FAT BURNER” — I took half the recommended dose, 1 pill 2x’s a day. It didn’t make me feel too wired or anything, but about 4 hours after my 4th pill by 5 pm on Wed I HIT THE WALL!! I was CRAZY tired and had to take a nap– the rest of that night I was USELESS. I told DH about it and he said I should know better than to take something like that– they always BACKFIRE on me. He was right, I should know better.
Wednesday wasn’t a total loss though– we watched DUMB and DUMBER again– I love that movie!!
Thursday I still felt a bit of the effects from it, but I was determined to push through and learn my lesson to never take pills like that again! I had a good time working with some of my baby trees and brush hogging a field down by the rail road tracks on my land– then at 5:30 we headed to Gunner’s first home game for the year. It was a good night.
Here’s the B4:
and the AFTER:
Yesterday– we spent exploring a hill top on our land that is a MESS! It’s got a ton of dead trees and weeds that need to be cleared out. The spot would be the perfect setting for a cabin! Just there’s really no easy way to get up there– we could possibly get to it from our neighbor’s land, but it’s a rather secluded spot– PERFECT FOR A CABIN, lol! After that we “cleaned up” and went to get some meat from the butcher~ Here’s a pic I snapped before we headed out
Anyhow, today I think I’ll get a run in, but I’ve been saying that for the past 2 days….I’m trying to just chill about it though, I don’t wanna be HIGH MAINTENANCE when it comes to my hubby’s vacation time– I’m practicing being submissive and super flexible:) Next week will be a different story– I’ll be back ON it full force, I won’t miss a workout at all!!
I’m off to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL SATURDAY!!
Trying to figure out my plan of attack??
Sun, 2012/09/23 – 9:56am — BuffMother
yesterday I worked hard and got in some great exercise weed whipping around my ponds~
Not sure what my workouts will be today… I could do pretty much anything since I am not sore at all, My thoughts are to do legs or run or maybe, I should do both, HMMMM
Sunday- ??
M- Back Shoulders Biceps
T-Chest Triceps Run-Day off for kids- parent teacher conferences
Wed- Tennis, LEGS, Guitar
Thur- UPPER BODY, Run- Gunz football game
Fri- Legs
Sa- Run-
Sun- off
It helps to see it on paper– but it’s subject to change. My goal is to give focus to my running this week– but also lift at least 5 days. Time to kick it in over the second half of this contest, Bring on weeks# 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10!!!Run Done~
Sun, 2012/09/23 – 3:58pm — BuffMother
I got a run done today– which means tomorrow I’ll do legs and adjust to shift my workouts one day this week– see my POA is already changing, lol!
Here’s the run stats-

a picture is worth a million words
Tue, 2012/09/25 – 7:22pm — BuffMother
Day #1 bikini pic– with my birthday girl Cuji, she’s 2 now
Hot pink nails– vital to a good workout!!
9-24 — #workoutproof
ran 6 hills all the way up last one finished at 12:13pm…gotta go yo conferences at 1— time Crunch!!
Upper body push pull in pm: 9-25 #workoutproof
fyi, join me on pinterest
Lots of GO!
Wed, 2012/09/26 – 8:12pm — BuffMother
Well today was my GO, GO, GO go to town (a 40 min drive) Wednesday– thank GOD every day is not like this! I hit the pavement running with my tennis lesson, then a chiro appt, then a bite to eat and then a follow up appointment with another Dr. PLUS some errands, shopping and a trip to the pharmacy–then home to get to guitar lessons (a 30 min drive), go to wal-mart, grab some food at Mc D’s and then Awana, then home, then time to pick the kids up from Awana and return a Red Box movie. I estimate drove for at least 4 hours today.
I thought about hitting the weights a bit for a tiny bicep/shoulder workout during the 1 hour I was home tonight during Awana– but NOPE, I was too TIRED!
I did manage to take this pic for my bikini day #3 just now— It was the best one I could muster– I had to snap a few in order to get one where I didn’t look half asleep, lol~
Plus here’s one I snapped after tennis for my #workoutproof picture this morning– I look a bit more lively here:
I’ll fill you in on my day a bit more tommorw– for now I must get the kids to bed and myself to bed also!!
Love ya’s!!
Poor Toothie~
Thu, 2012/09/27 – 8:23pm — BuffMother
Ouchie!! my poor DD hit her face on our concrete floor kitchen and broke her front tooth this afternoon– so we hit the road so we could get to the Dentist before 6pm- it was SUPER awesome that he stayed after just to take care of her. He patched it up a little for now and next week she’ll get it filled in. Thankfully she didn’t damage the root!
Proir to that my day was quite restful and peaceful.
I got my workout done at the gym– no one else was there and then ran outside in my new shoes. I’m not sure I like them ….my knees and hips hurt tonight– I’ll give them a couple more runs to decide– luckily they have a 15 day trial attached to them.
My lifting looked like this–
2 triplete cicuits-
Should Press- 45×10, 45×10 backwards, 60×10 backwards x2 sets
Bench 45×20, 95×12, 95x10x2sets
Hoping/high knees 15 reps hopping on left foot, lifting HIGH Knees on right then switch– 3 sets
Leg Extensions- 65×10 together, 5 each leg; 90×10+ 5 toes out, 105×10 + 5 toes out; 120 x10 + 5 toes out
Seated Calf Raises 70#x10-15 x3 sets
Bulgarians body weight x10, 15#db’sx10x2sets
Knee ups for abs between 4 sets of 20-25 reps
Then my run …

P: steak, eggs, chicken, fajita steak (2)
C: a handful of Blueberries, 2 Carrots, Corn chips, 2 onion rings with ketchup
F: steak fat, egg fat, sour cream, cheese (small portion)
G: 2 baby cumbers, Salsa, fajita onionsNot bad for today– I was STARVING when we got to the restaurant, I fogot I was trying to stay under 20g’s carbs for the day…thus the chips. Overall though I did good to keep the carbs in check! I’ll be in the groove with it again within a couple days!!
Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is one step prior to pre-diabetes– my A1C score was 5.5 which is very high considering how much I workout and how low my carb intake is on average. I’ve known for years that in order to keep from gaining weight or to stay lean I have to keep my carbs very low. LOWER than most people…my body’s cells just don’t absorb glucose like they should.
insulin resistance causes a lot of CARB BINGES, LOW ENERGY moments, fatigue and also can elevate your Stress hormones- It’s also a leading cause in PCOS- which shows up in not fun ways– irregular cycles, cysts, infertility, manly attributes, acne, belly fat, hair growth, hair loss, etc… my testosterone and dhea were also showing higher than average– which is an indicator I am on the verge of PCOS disease. All of which can be reversed if I can keep my insulin resistance in check.
I’m not sure how low I need to go on the carbs– I need to do an induction phase of atkins (trying to keep carbs under 20 grams/day) for 2 weeks to get my body to burn fat again. Once there I’ll add in more carbs and see– typically no more carbs can come into my body than I burn off in my workout– so if I workout enough I can get away with some more carbs. I am so active already and workout a lot already that the change needs to come more from my diet.
workout today:
Sqauts, Deads, leg extensions, forward lunges, knee ups, hip rotations, ab wheel
Squats on webcam~
deads on webcam~
Workout clothes coutesy of Green Apple– check them out here-
Have a good one~! Michelle
Our Week #7 Mini Challenge is to do 10 stomach vacuums each day (10-15 secs each).
You will see your waist get smaller this week!!! Vacuums are simply sucking in your tummy!
I find they produce HUGE results~ they work your TRANSVERSE abs. “T-ABS”
These are highly important muscles that act as a “girdle” around your waist. The muscles run HORIZONTALLY and HOLD your organs in place. They are stretched out after pregnancy and need to be rebuilt. VACUUMS will do just that! They are worked whenever you practice good posture, and will respond even quicker if you aggressively work at rebuilding them through exercises like vacuums.
One of the easiest ways to do them is to stand with your hands on your knees and suck your tummy in. Try to pull your belly button to your spine. You can do vacuums anywhere anytime- I did some last night while brushing my teeth and this morning sitting in the car.
You can do vacuums anywhere anytime- I did some last night while brushing my teeth and this morning sitting in the car.
Have fun with this mini-challenge and you will see some results in you waist!
Workit girls!!