GOALS~ Shine in 49: Day 6

My titles sure are a little bit boring this week, lol!  But it’s helping me keep on track…

It’ll really be fun to put more faces with names~I wanna SEE you when you comment on my blogs~ it really helps me remember who is who :) AND I really do want to remember you! So if you can please do try to get your photo up so I can see your pretty face!! To get a picture (avatar) next to your comments on my blog simply sign up here http://en.gravatar.com/ with your e-mail and upload a picture.


Today is day 6, of our contest and it’s  time for setting goals, thinking purposeful thoughts and committing to a PLAN!!

1.Goal Setting~ …what do I want to accomplish?  Take an honest look at where you are at and make goals that are attainable, yet challenging.  A good place to start is by taking your pictures and stats.  Once you have that truthful baseline you can asses how you are going to get to your destination.  Another key item to keep in mind with goal setting is set an EVENT~ a beach party, a special reunion, a wedding, a photo shoot, a trip…that EVENT will keep you accountable to your goals when things get “tough”.

My goals:

To take one day, one week at a time.  I’m looking to succeed in baby steps.   I expect to be fit in mind, body and spirit for the summer. I want my Ending pictures to show awesome results but  My #1 goal is to keep God #1 t; and keep the rest of my priorities in line after that- God, Travis, Kids, Family/ Friends and then …fitness and work.

My fitness goals revolve little around my weight, but more around my health and fitness level.  I’ve been struggling with my eating- so I need to focus on EATING .  I also want to increase my running capacity.  I plan to put some MILES on my new running shoes this month!  The goal is to run 3-4 times a week!

2. Thoughts~ be sure to journal or blog here about what you are thinking- some questions to ask yourself are: where you are at in your health? what you’ve been doing with your time the past few month? are you happy? how have you been eating?, etc…

My thoughts:

I have been in a season of “rebuilding” for about 4 months.  I’ve regained a lot of strength, built up my immune system and increased my overall health.  The issues I had last fall with a bad bladder/kidney infection are resolved.  Now it’s time for me to attack!!  I’m excited to attack all areas of my life again.  Fitness wise- I’m very excited to  “SHINE”  for my 37th birthday in less than 7 week.

3. Commitment~ It is important that you decide to stay committed…don’t allow yourself to QUIT.  Even if you miss an entire week of workouts due to a cold, you MUST NOT quit!  It’s never too late to start again!  The only way anyone ever attains their goals in life is by NOT QUITTING!  Decide here and now that you won’t quit!

My Commitment:

I am committed to my fitness…it is my medicine and it is VERY important to every aspect of my happiness and success in life.  My fitness is not a choice, it’s a commitment like a marriage– I will not ever give up on it…I will never quit and I am committed to this plan for the remaining six weeks!!.


What are your goals?

Are you thinking on PURPOSE?

Are you committed?

I will be SHINE  in 49!!~ come on the journey with me!!

Whoohoo, It’s gonna rock!!


p.s. today’s workouts

Off (keep in mind tomorrow is also and OFF day) or optional 20-30 mins of steady cardio



10 Replies to “GOALS~ Shine in 49: Day 6

  1. My goals are to get stronger and more defined and set a positive example for my 3 girls, showing you dont have to be a toothpick to be happy! I bought a couple of new tank tops to wear when working out, one is “Strong is the new Skinny” and the other, “Some Mom’s lift more than just their kids”. I feel so positive when I wear them. I have been thinking more about what I am eating and how it will effect me and my plan of competing in a competition and noticing how much better I feel when I workout. I am very committed to my new lifestyle. I knew that we were going to celebrate my moms birthday at a buffet so I did cardio and abs on my off day to ensure I kept on track!

  2. My goals are to eat clean each day, lose (on average) 1 lb per week, and regain the habit of consistent exercise. My 46th birthday is in 7 weeks, and I could be 165 by then- that’s the weight I was when I got pregnant with the twins, so I would feel great about that!

  3. Since exercise isn’s a problem, most of my goal centers on my eating habits. I want to lose an average of 1 lb per week and start eating healthy again.

  4. 1. My goal of course is weightless but most of all I’d like to have a lot more energy so that I can run around more with my three boys. They are growing up so fast and there’ll come a time when they don’t want to run around with me and do “kiddie” stuff:). To do that I must stay committed to exercising and eating right. There are no excuses good enough to quote of how hard it might be to stay committed because it is definitely a choice each and every day.
    2. I’ve started to journal and realize that if I let myself feel sorry for myself then I fall into a rut. I must see the end and focus on that. My health is not the best and journaling helps me to see myself but it also motivates me to not stay where I am.
    3. Commitment–as I mentioned above, I want to stay committed in this contest. Yes, I’d love to place in the contest but most of all I’d like to be healthy. I know I have to do better than last week.

  5. Goals:
    My main goal it to get healthy. I am great on my commitment to exercise, but am working greatly towards healthier eating. I do notice a difference in how I feel when I dont eat correctly or dont exercise. Since I exercise in the morning, I am rarely exhausted at work. But when I dont exercise in the morning and wait until after work to go to the gym, then I can barely stay away. And with swim suit and tank top weather coming up, I will like to show off my tiny body and my buff arms. Never thought I would like lifting weights, but I love how I feel and look afterwards!!!

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