12 days to Go!!

12 days to go…your task, workouts and support link:


Sorry ladies I have been terrible about posting my workouts…but I have been doing them
Sunday was a killer run outside
Monday ended up being off
Chest/Tri’s  yesterday

Today legs again…

We had a nice V-day!! I got a “love” necklace and a pearl necklace and bracelet– very thoughtful since i lost a bunch of my jewelry last fall.
Have a great day!!



12 Days to GO…Support!

BuffMother's picture

Wed, 2012/02/15 – 6:35am — BuffMother

Habits are tough enough to break when you are battling just YOURSELF, but when those around you seem to “sabotage” your decision to quit the habit it can make the battle 10 times harder.  You may need to take an honest look at your relationships.  It’s important to Choose Friends Wisely!

Spend more time with people that help you to keep things simple. Surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values and goals. Friends that have the same ethics as you will encourage you to achieve your dreams.

Your task for today is to embrace the motto of our Team BuffMother Rally Room “The Key to your Motivation is to Encourage Others”…take time today to read and comment on 5 blogs.  It’ll get you started on the road toward having more like minded friends!  Supporting others is the first step in feeling support!

Today’s Workouts:

Beginner: lower body


Barbell Squats
Step ups
Knee Extensions
Leg Curls
Walking Lunges
Calf Raises

Experienced– Legs


Take 1 to 2 minutes rest between sets 🙂 Up the weights as reps go down
4 sets total: set 1 of 10, set 2 of 8, set 3 of 6, set 4 of 10
Smith Lunges
4×10, 8, 6, 10
Butt Squats
3×10- for your glutes/hams
Knee Extensions
4×10, 8, 6, 10
Leg Curls
4×10, 8, 6, 10
Walking Lunges
2×10-15 -focus on front leg to hit butt
Calf Raises


Keep pressing toward kickin’ your habit!! I KNOW you can do it!!

Your friend,


Good friends….day 10; 12 to go

BuffMother's picture

Wed, 2012/02/15 – 11:49am — BuffMother

Good friends support our goals, encourage us towards greatness, love us even when we disappoint them, they are loyal and truly enjoyable to be around. If that’s true why then do we find ourselves trying to be friends with people who are NOT like that??   I realized that for far too long I’d been trying to be friends with people who honestly had no purpose in my life….
I hung out with women from work or church group or my neighborhood, but most of them didn’t “click”…they didin’t “get me”.  I attributed it to me being weird, not to the fact they were not the right friends, lol!  I tried to change myself to fit in over and over again– becoming more frustrated and self sabotaging at each turn.  I was being untrue to myself, just to fit the mold vs. finding the right friends.  Once I realized my error, I decided to stop the insanity and go for finding the RIGHT friends; friends who are like minded, happy, positive and encouraging!!

That’s when Team BuffMother was born!  It’s been so freeing and amazing to see the true meaning friendship at a whole new level through the internet. I have made more good friends in the past 7 years than I could have ever hoped for and guess what, I keep making MORE!  It’s crazy awesome!!

Completing the task for today(read and comment on 5 blogs) was easy…I’ve made it a habit to cheer on my friends in the rally room daily.  Most every blog I read I comment on…somtimes all I note is a smile or a HI! just that simple act makes that person feel encouraged to know someone out there CARES about them!  I do care, and I do LOVE each member here!!

My “Kick the Habit” goals have been suffering a bit the past couple days…it’s gotta be that we are in the “middle” days of the contest– the beginning excitement has faded and the end is still to far away, lol!  I need to FOCUS….I’m gonna take a little time today to read my starting blogs and thoughts again– that will help!

The workout plan for today is legs– Gotta love leg workouts–they are so effective!!

Have a good one my good friends,








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