Let the countdown begin…the “21 days: KICK the habit” contest starts TODAY!! These next 21 days are all about kicking bad habits and forming new ones– The experts constantly preach it takes 21 days to form a habit. So let’s do it!! Your first task is to deternime what habit to kick or attain. I’d love to have everyone in the contest focus on 1 or 2 habits for the 21 days… I’d pick one habit to break and one habit to attain.
Once you have your focus narrowed you’ll find it easier to reach your goal–We have our whole lives to become our best– let’s focus on 1 or 2 areas these next 21 days!!
Today I’m thinking about the contest a bunch~
what habit do I hope to attain or BREAK during the 21 days?
Here’s a quick brainstorm list on some habits….
habits to attain:
take your supplements, eat green veggies, eat raw foods, chew your food, eat fruits and veggies, eat your protein, eat nutrient dense foods, no dairy habit, no grains habit, no sugar, low carb, drink water, hygyne, take a shower first thing in the morning, put on make up, bi-weekly exfoliation, skin care routine, hair care- keep it well maintained and fixed, fashion- wear at least a few outfits that are trendy, shoe variety- don’t find yourself wearing the same boring shoes daily, smile habit, say hello, be thankful, write it down, break your comfort zone, High priority- do things that are IMPORTANT vs. easy, make your bed habit, relaxation time habit, read something habit, document it habit, help others, stand more, walk more, show affection (more hugs, kisses, pats on the back, etc), more focus- be a good listener, connect to your inner self, stretch more, lift weights more, get outside, try a new activity, learn about a new topic daily, study something of interest to you, organize something, be a sweetheart, being thrifty, being and encourager, being pro-active vs. reactive, being positive in everything, listening to truth vs. lies, being happy, be a good tipper
habits to break:
candy, ice cream, restaurant habit, too much caffeine, dessert habit, artificial foods/sweeteners, carbonation, alcohol, the excuse habit, unhealthy choice habit, mental sabotage habit, all or nothing habit, shower habit, cleaning habit, comfy clothes (forever lazy), unfriendly habit, over-eating habit, see it eat it habit, carboholic, undisciplined habit, lack of intensity, not finishing, social status habit, speeding, being late, too much texting, too much tv, too much internet, too much shopping, wasting time, too much sitting, too much noise, smoking, inactivity, unsocial, too social, dirty vehicle, approval addict, negative attitude, judgmental attitude, sarcasm, being brash/rude, drama queen, complaining, eating too much fat, eating too little protein, always on a “diet”, wearing old out of date clothes, being cheap
Keep in mind, that all habits area not for all people– be aware that YOU are unique and need a goal that’s attainable for you over these next 21 days.
I’d love to hear your brainstorming on habits!!
Please share,
P.S. More info about the contest here~http://buffmother.com/?p=8152
Today is Day 1 of the contest; each of which you will be getting a daily email with a link to additional information withing our private, secure, “Women’s Only” Team Buffmother! Rally Room~~ So…In order to view all the content a you must go through the SUBSCRIPTION process– it’s totally free for the first 30 days!! The security of being in a PRIVATE online area helps you be honest and truly accountable…plus you don’t have to worry about the whole world knowing your business or seeing your pictures!
If you have not already- Please log in to the site:
As with any contest, I highly encourage you to get a good baseline for measuring your success~ taking starting photos and stats is a must!! Eve if the new habit you are striving to form is not “body” related….I’d still encourage you to take starting data…we are dynamic– our bodies affect our mind, emotions, spirit and soul!
Please let me know if you need any assistance or if you have any question by emailing customerservice@buffmother.com
Thanks!! And let’s have a FOCUSED, FUN 21 days!!!
You deserve it!!