So Far – So Good Saturday

I had a slow start to the day~but that was just fine since I didn’t go to sleep until 3:30 last night! haha!

Today, I’ve been good so far on my Champion Weekend EATS, Workout and activities:

Weight 126.6
protein pancakes CP
Coffee w/ cream and sugar (2cups) T
spaghetti  (ww noodles, beef, sauce)CPG and supplements
Workout- legs
NOXS pills 2 post workout
Boca and brussel sprouts PG

STEAK and stuff planned for dinner!!
UFC fights at 9pm!!

My leg workout went like this:
warm up 15mins of tanning/10 mins on r-bike
leg press x 25 reps

Dead lifts
95×10×2 close stance
95×10×2 wide stance

Knee ups on bench between some sets, stretching between other sets
total sets of knee ups 3
Calves- 3 sets total various types

Walking lungs

Leg curls
90×10, 8, 6
80x 10

Leg extensions
70×15 (one leg at a time)x2 sets
130×10+5 toes outx2 sets
150×10 + 100×5 toes out

Knee ups on roman chair
3 sets
Hanging sit ups
40 total

Smith butt squats 70×10
Smith lunges 70×8
I stopped here cuz my knee was sore and I was lazy, lol!

Now I’m off to get showered and get done with some work~
Have a CHAMP of a day!!!



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