Hey, hey, hey all my BuffSista’s!! and welcome NEW BuffSisters!!
This contest promotion is going GREAT!! thanks so much for your support and help in reaching so many ladies!!
AS promised, I just posted a BIG HUGE forum post with tons of info that will help you prepare for the 10 week contest~
Please ask any questions you have there as a comment on the post so I can help you get READY
Now on to my title~ I tried out for a movie yesterday!! I JUST DID IT! It !! I’ve modeled for years and years, but never have I really tried to act. This was certainly a VERY SCAREY thing for me to do! I am excited to delve into acting a bit more– probably should take some acting lessons, etc… the part I tried our for was in a thriller named “Phone in the Attic” and I was looking at a part as a “fit dancer” so sexy lips, big hair, a fun pair of legging (metallic cobra print) plus heels were a must!
It was a fun experience!
The remainder of my day was spent with a friend, working on her fun new business idea. I think she’ll do well with it! I love seeing people excited about changing the world.
Anyhow, once I got home at 7pm I was exhausted- so no workout once again!
My last “real” workout was 4 or 5 days ago– At least I feel 100% recovered from Oh and another thing happened yesterday, I got my period- early again! only 24 days this month, my shortest ever that I can recall. Gotta do better to support my hormones Today I’ll “START” Again…with good food, supplements and a good solid workout!
This week’s POA:
T- upper body and run hills, cday 2
W- Legs, cday3
Th-off, cday 4
F-START BUFFING!! Chest Triceps Intervals and abs Sa- LEGS Su- Back, Shoulders, Biceps and Intervals
Now I need to get a bit more caught up with you ladies!! I love all the new blog posts and your excitement!!
Have a super day!!
I think you are beautiful enough and sexy enough to be a movie star now the only question is an you act.
I hope you get the part.