Hi Ya, the kids were off school yesterday so it seemed like SATURDAY. Today is my “Bonus” Saturday! Too cool! Today’s contest post~
ALSO…One of our long time “BuffMothers” Susan is now a published writer…please show support by promoting or purchasing her book: ! http://fb.me/zjxygzAq
Yesterdays recap~ *had parent teacher conferences– didn’t go for Gunner, but did for the 3 girls. They are AWESOME! Super loved and adored by their teachers!
*Went to the gym- did Squats and Lunges on smith machine
*tanned *to the grocery store *home to work outside (1-5pm) moving rock piles and got sun burnt *cleaning/cooking *shower *Bikini proof pic
*Softball game- for the twins, It was their first experience at being thrown a FAST PITCH…the girls were in shock at how fast the ball came at them and how weird the pitcher looked delivering it! At practices the coach has just pitched to them a more standard under hand pitch. I’m not sure why they hadn’t been exposed to the “real thing” until the game last night?? Oh well, they are the coaches NOT ME! The team was winning until the last inning…so they lost, and were really sad about it. The game was way more fun to watch than the “coach pitch” ones we had last year.
*to the grocery store AGAIN! (had a request for CHIPS!)
*home for some R & R with the hubby
*Sleep– then NIGHT TERROR (I think I see someone at the side of my bed and half sleeping FREAK OUT!–I’ve had these for many years and they seem to get worse if I get “over tired”~ this time it was really bad and combined with a super bad calf cramp- It was horrible- my calf is VERY sore today from it!
Today’s plan is to get outside again, plus get in my “long cardio” day. I think I’ll start with a fasted bike ride after I get done posting. I haven’t ate just yet and may as well get it done.
- Cycle day– my cycle day is 21 and feel the hormones starting to rise, but really I feel good overall. Consistent workouts and a controlled diet really seem to help me keep the symptoms low. I’ve also been GREAT at taking my supplements. I am currently taking: an organic whole food raw multi, calcium w/D, acidophilus, NO2, creatine, biotin, mega red, PS and aloe Vera juice and my Boosting Pills
- Weight–tues I was 128. wed 130…thurs 129My weight is going down!! I’m happy about it~ 127.8 was the scale’s report yesterday!!
Today’s number is…127.2!!
- Sexy To do’s- GET My BIKINI ON!! and do some “dancing” during my workout time– I should do it in my bikini?
- Workout–Fasted intervals on upright bike, Run outside a bit later + lots of outside work. Yard work galore is on tap! I may also add in some Squats with DH, he’s got them on tap today– I did a smaller than planned leg workout yesterday.
- Meal POA– Burgers for lunch and not sure about supper? Salads have been tasting so good to me!
- Sexy Actions- be on purpose about hanging out with the hubby…some days when we are both working outside, we tend to do our own thing. NOT TODAY…today I’m going to be his shadow, lol!!
Well, I am off to get this day rollin’ with my bike ride~
Have a wonderful day you sexy sisters!!
p.s. I didn’t get this one posted~ it’s bikini day 4’s proof pic:
My son too the picture, his name is GUNNER. So I posed with a gun!
It was very late at night, so I cut off my head due to my “tired eyes”, lol!
The Key to your Motivation is to Encourage others!