My Day~
I believe my day was a good one! I am rather sore…I guess that’s what happens when you don’t workout for a week or so, lol!
I managed to get quite a bit of ODDS and ENDS done today, boy does that make me feel GOOD…getting all those “little things” done relieves stress!! And then tonight I got to workout with my DH~ a little DATE~I love HIM!!

Here is my workout~
Warm up r-bike 12 mins- rather intense 🙂
20 push ups
bench 45×30
135×4 (help with last 3)
95×15 with feet on bench

pull ups 10

hammer strength flat bench


several abs and some bench dip

25#plate front raisesx10x2sets
shrugs on smith

Now I think I’ll put my older 2 to bed and then hop on the u-bike for some intervals- I have 2 photoshoots lined up for next week! So I need to burn a little more fat off my gut 😉

Eats have been on!
yesterdays totals were perfect 5-3-3-3
today let’s see:

I guess I may need more G–I may gnaw on some raw cabbage after my intervals- i like it!

Thanks again for the input on the covers~
OH and I’ve been doing my vacuums every time I think of it! at least 10 today…maybe more!

Keep up the GREAT consistency girls–OH and don’t forget that this is I BELIEVE MONTH~ stretch that brain and think of something to post!!

“let’s get it ON”~ i am ready to rock that bike!
Belief Quote of the day:
“God didn’t have time to make a nobody, only a somebody.I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition.”
Mary Kay Ash

P.S. Did my intervals on the u-bike 1 min hard 1 min easier total of 20 mins then cats and stretched- feeling good!



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