WE have only 5 days left of the Booty Challenge, are you ready to see the changes?
I am hitting it HARD this week, making sure to get in all of my cardio/intervals and eating plenty of protein. The bad news is my gym is closed tomorrow, so I will have to wait ’till WED to do a hard and heavy leg day :)…. I am already super pumped for it!!
DH and I worked out hard today here is a short summary:
warm up
incline hammer press
flat hammer bench
incline flys
Bench dips
tricep push downs
20 min of intervals on the Elliptical
2 sets of ab wheel
1 set ab roller
Then done!
We are up in the air about our plans for tonight we were invited to a party, by the lake where they shoot off some fireworks…but the kids have been kinda ill this weekend, they seem much better today, but it will be a LATE night if we go…so the plan is to decide later.
NO matter what we will be RELAXING!!
Have a wornderful night and don’t forget about your booty :)…be nice to it and don’t eat too bad 😉