CONGRATS on the great start you’ve had to the the first 10 days of the “40 days to FIT” challenge!
Back in the day…when I was in sports the way I got through nasty training sessions like “otters” in basketball, “hills” in cross country, “laps” in soccer or “400’s” in track was to break my training sessions into fractions. If we had 10 hills to run after 2 done…I’d think in my mind~ “wow, we are already 1/5th done.” It was a good way for me to get through it with a positive outlook~ SOOOO… on our “40 days to Fit” Challenge I am taking the same approach.
“I am already a fourth of the way done with the 40 days!!! AND I DO think I am at least a FOURTH better than I was when I started 10 days ago!!!”
FYI~ if you haven’t joined the challenge yet you still can…and PLEASE invite your friends, relatives and others to join us!
Day #10-FIT tip-
GET after it!! Studies show that even 2 minutes of vigorous exercise will improve performance, increase your metabolic rate and reduce your risk for disease.
Day #10-Featured ARTICLE-
Plastic surgery should be a last resort
This is exactly what BuffMother! is trying to over come. This doctor playing off the myth that you can not be buff after having kids. He is basically saying that this woman had done all she could through diet and exercise (which is obviously false). She could have made vast improvements to “bulge” without turning to the knife.
I am all for certain procedures, like boob jobs~ as it’s obvious that mine are not natural …my point here is that the doctor’s ad says:
“FACT diet and exercise may lessen this tummy bulge but it will NEVER get rid of it”.
That’s just bologna!
I beg you…if you are thinking about having surgery to rid your body of your tummy bulge, make sure you do everything in your power through diet and exercise before you have your body cut apart.
You can be Buff after having children!
Weare now a quarter of the way done with the challenge; do you see any results yet?
Please comment for your accountability~ stay focused…31 days (including today) left to get FIT!!!
Attack it with intensity!!
BuffMother, Michelle Berger