I love the opposite of cleaning~
Remember back at the beginning of the month, I mentioned that to figure out what you love all you have to do is look at what you HATE and then the opposite of that will be something you love. WELL I LOVE having someone else clean for me!
I LOVED my cleaning lady, but she’s decided to quit cleaining houses for the time being and NOW I am without and cleaning my own house–icky!!
I do however love having my house clean so that is my motivation to do it despite my disgust … so that’s the sunny side!! CLEAN houses provide more peace, enjoyment and rest! I also take pride in my house when it is clean~ so I will be off to clean some more after I finish here!!
I made it to the gym today at about noon…and was suprised that it wasn’t busier then. Typically there is a LUNCH rush, but i guess it being TIRED THURS everyone just decided to skip.
My workout went sorta like this:
warm up r-bike 5 mins
squat 45#x20 reps…back pain
squat 95×10 back pain…so I abandoned these
Dead lifts
95×12-15×4 (2 sets close, 2 sets wide stance)
Leg press
45degree angle squat machine
just machinex30×2
Hammer isolateral seated leg press
90# each leg alonex10×3
Seated calf raises
Rotary calf
no wtx10
Leg extensions
barbell lunges
time to clean!!