I am a super PROUD MAMMA!!! Last weekend I had a a FUN!!!! FUN!!! FUN!! weekend~ Two of my Team BuffMother!leaders LISA and SHERRY both did an AWESOME job by placing first and second in the NANBF Bluff’s Classic Figure competition I was so happy to be there The experience was just wonderful!
I’ve trained both girls in the past, Sherry early this spring and Lisa all the way UP to the contest!!!
It was really fun to show how amazing my Hormonal Timing program works for contest prep…she is a living example of how you can TRANSFORM your body by working with your hormones.
Here is a picture of Lisa a year ago…
And here are some from last weekend (10-6-07):
AND to top it off I got to hang out with another one of my clients and BuffMother! leaders, Lori during the contest!! It was GREAT!!
If you are wondering what Hormonal Timing is…in just a few weeks my book Hormonal Timing: Female Fitness Evolved by BuffMother! will be in my store for sale.
Thanks everyone for all the support you’ve given Lisa and Sherry for this contest, I know it helped them SO MUCH!!!
Here are some more pictures from the contest~