I had such a blessed JOYOUS Birthday week!! I feel refreshed and ready to rock 35!!
The week started with a smooth trip to AZ where my entire focus was on spending quality time with my sister and to do NOTHING! and for me doing NOTHING is very difficult!! I think I was rather successful at it and I know that’s exactly why I needed to go to AZ~ for R&R! It was fun to slow down and find that Joy is in RESTING and RELAXING sometimes/ I spent time at the pool, a tish of shopping, some cooking with my sister, playing tennis and with my sisters dogs, hitting some golf balls at the range and a ton of time just talking with my sister- and of COURSE eating! We hit a few really neat restaurants- I had the most fun eating ribs, gellato (Angel Sweet) and chimichangas washed down with homemade lemonade.
Once I got home it was Saturday afternoon and almost time for CHURCH~ we had a great time there worshiping God… and soon after that it was time for UFC 115~ FUN!!! I was sad to see Liddell get knocked out again, but happy for Franklin’s luck to win with a broken arm. The rest of the birthday week finished off with a party at my SIL’s house and my actual Birthday yesterday! It was a SUPERB day!!
I’ll write more about the rest of the Celebration and share some pictures in another blog…but for now I wanted to say THANK YOU!! Thanks for all the hundred of wonderful birthday wishes!! I am truly very, very blessed to have so many amazing friends!! I love you all and I know God has BIG things in store for all of us this year!!
Today’s been a busy first day back~! I actually just got home from my son’s field day~ and have yet to workout or shower…
I KNOW I owe many of you a response via e-mail, pm or txt….I’ll get to you soon…but it may be a few days. I get behind really fast if I don’t do anything for 1 week. I lam so JOYFUL that I do have the freedom to take some R &R time! I love it!! I love being busy and being needed 🙂
Toddles for now!!