Plan to Succeed

Day 19~ FCH…Plan to Succeed!!
That’s my plan! I am going to have a killer next 10 days and I will reach my goal for this contest!!! Today, I’m planing to get my photoshoot schedueled for July 1…so that’ll turn up my RELENTLESSNESS 🙂
My POA for the final 10 days of the contest looks like this:
Mon-Day 19~FCH legs/abs/extra cardio…c-day 2
Tues- Day 20~FCHupper body/abs/intervals(run outside)…c-day 3
Wed- Day 21~FCHOFF (errand day and KIDS activity day- the park?)
Thurs-Day 22~FCHSTART BUFFING!! legs/abs/extra cardio…c-day 5
Fri- Day 23~FCHupper body/abs/intervals(sprintsoutside)…c-day 6
Sat- Day 24~FCHlong cardio day…I’ll shoot for 40mins total (10warm up; 20intervals; 10 cool down)
Sun- Day 25~FCH off…but start photoshoot prep
Mon-Day 26~FCH…photo prep…LEGS/ABS/extra cardio
Tue-Day 27~FCH…photo prep…Upper body/abs/intervals
Wed-Day 28~FCH…photoshoot; measurements; write up final entry
Let’s all plan to kick it hard this week~ you will see great results if you work it!!



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