42 Days to Go!

42 Days to GO!!!

Guess What??

I have 42 days to go until my goal!!

I am so fired up and motivated… although you wouldn’t think so by some of my food choices this week – burgers, pizza, pop and a couple other mis-haps!

But I AM fired up!!! More than I have been in quite awhile.  I’m getting in better shape every day and once again have that extra little MOJO I’ve needed to hit the BEACH at my BEST in March!!

So…today I did my second Back workout of the week:

warm up r-bike 10 mins -talked to my Sissy~ she is so nice

Lat pull downs




160×6 + 130x 5

paired with lower back extensions (booty focus)



assisted pull ups focused on biceps



paired with

shoulder press seated backwards





seated rows

90×10 full extension


paired with Full extension sit ups (on hyper-extension machine)

15, 15, 10

Wide hi-cable lat pulls on knees- one arm at a time



Paired with pose down cable bi curls



2 sets of knee ups on bench

then I ran for only the second time this year~

I did 4.5 intervals~ all of this at 2.5 incline on treddy

4 mins warm up, 1 min hard at 8mph; 1 easy min at 6mph total of 4mins 30 secs of hard mins–total time on treddy about 13:30

.. ..I’ve decided I am going to try and run on every EVEN day for a bit…come hell or high water….I am going to try and run every other day even if it’s just for 30 seconds~ RUNNNNNNNNN!!

After my workout I picked Tia up a tish early from school for our “date”…we went to Chuckie Cheese~ thus the PIZZA and POP!

Even with that my eats ended up halfway decent today, but overall I this is a way below average day for me, I’ll give myself a C–at least I didn’t over eat and at least I mad some good choices (apple, celery, steak and I did take my supps and drank plenty of water)

5 P’s:steak, steak, pizza, steak, steak (lots of tenderloin!)

4C’s: apple, pizza, pizza, pizza.

F’s: pizza, pizza, steak fat, steak fat

G: tomato sauce on pizza, and I’ll have some celery b4 bed

T: pop- mostly coke zero (I’ve never had this b4…it’s okay, but I like diet coke better) and some root beer

too many C’s for buffing~ I’ll fix that tomorrow with a better day! Fridays are always better than Thursdays!

Okay, now I’ve gotta go to bed





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