We are home, I had a great workout.
Shoulders, Bi’s and Tri’s
The girls are eating their lunch. Corn Dogs and Hot dogs…I know BAD, but at least some protein
Also they will have some soybeans, they like those.
For me here is what I have put down the shoot so far today
1/2 one way bar on the way to the gym
Tons of water, yeah!!
1 grean drink, 2 cups of coffee
1 spike supplement
Post workout:
6g l-glutamine
and I am going to eat a boca burger and then a meal replacement shake
so about 3 p’s, 1 C
Later I will have some GREENs and I’ll be back to post my workout in a tish
I’m Back!!
As I mentioned earlier the only parts of my body that are not sore at the moment are my Shoulders, Bi’s and Tri’s
So that was today’s workout:
Warm up on the Elliptical
8 min while Chatting with my friend Shay…she is one of my clients, a beautiful positive lady.
Shoulder press: 75×15,105×10,120×10, 120×8
paired with
Bicep curl Machine: 50×25, 60×15, 70×10 short, 70×12
Curl bar curls (not sure of the wt of my curlbar?) I am assuming 15#’s
55×4,50×6 wide,50×8 wide,50×10 medium, 50x6close
paired with
Behind the head standing military
55×8, 50x8x3sets
Tricep Extension
paired with
Hammer DB curls (alternating arms)
Lateral Raises
paired with
Arnolds presses one arm at a time
25×5, 20×10, 25×4, 20×6
Rotator cuff
10×15, 8×15
Rear delt flys
10×20, 10×10, 8×15
Tricep kick backs
Tricep push downs (strait bar, bad cable machine)
Time was up…
weight today 124.5
surprised since I am very sore in my back and legs
All in all it was a good workout…I plan to do some intervals on my r-bike now while I watch Joyce meyer on my computer
I love hearing a good message
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