About BuffMother

MISSION BuffMother!

What is BuffMother? is it a person, a group, a facebook page, a website, a fitness program??….Yes it is all those things, but TRULY BuffMother is a MINDSET!

Are you a BuffMother?

If you are female, have a mindset of fitness, a desire to be fit and healthy and truly care about helping others attain the same goal, then you are a BuffMother!!

Are you a member of TEAM BUFFMOTHER?

A team is a group of people working together to accomplish a similar goal. Do you have the goal of banding together with like minded women to help others realize their potential?  Have you connected to other women who you’d consider a BuffMother?  Have you felt inspired, encouraged, educated, and loved through one of TEAM BuffMother’s many outreaches? If your answers are YES then you are part of TEAM BUFFMOTHER!!

How can we create more BuffMothers?

We need to be personally accountable to never give up on our personal goals in life and we must band together as a women. Encouraging, Empowering, Edifying and Expecting other women to succeed needs to be our core mindset and at the root of our actions.

Our MISSION is to impact the world, As a BuffMother we will lead by example in our own quest to be healthy, fit and strong.  WE will strive to be BUFF and leave a legacy of wellness that will positively impact all future generations!

We are A TEAM!

  • TEAM BuffMother was created to prove that it is possible to build a dream body before and after having children.
  • We get together as a TEAM to inspire, educate, motivate and empower each other to be healthy and exercise.
  • We are a TEAM of women who believe we can change and hope to help others change too!  We believe that it is up to us to set a healthy tone in our families.
  • We have chosen to rise up and show our children and those close to us that anything is possible if you believe, stay encouraged and work hard.
  • We are committed to growing this team so that we can help mothers all over the world achieve their dream bodies.
 Join Team BuffMother mailing list for a FREE 28 day Video workout program with diet!

Connect in our PRIVATE women’s only Facebook group http://facebook.com/groups/buffmother

As the founder and President of BuffMother,  I invite you to join us on the journey. I pledge to lead by example forever. I will be unrelenting in my pursuit to help women believe that there are no limits to how awesome their bodies can become.

Love, Michelle Berger