6 E’s for Success

6 E’s for Success

Throughout the past 11+ years in my Coaching Business on www.BuffMother.com, I’ve had the pleasure of being able to coach MANY women towards their success. Key elements are vital to each persons journey toward their SUCCESS. Here are MY 6 E’s for Success!

  1. Expect
  2. Educate
  3. Engage
  4. Empower
  5. Edify
  6. Encourage

Let me expand on them a bit for you~ The 6 E’s for Success

  1. Expect~ Prior to success happening in any area of our life we must set our EXPECTATIONS for success. I expect that each and every person I encounter is on a journey toward success. They have untapped potential and they have a HUGE mission that they are destined to accomplish. I believe in those expectations often more times than that person does. I expect excellence, I expect effort, I expect change, I expect blessing, I expect challenge (fire is needed to sharpen iron), I expect courageous behavior, I expect supernatural energy, etc… In order to succeed you must raise your EXPECTATIONS above a mediocre standard. Shoot for the STARS! Just this week during my first deer hunting in 16 years my husband mentioned that we must go into each hunt with the “EXPECTATION” of seeing a huge buck. That mindset will carry over into our preparations, our actions during the hunt and ultimate lead to the success or failure of our experience. EXPECT the Best~ and BELIEVE it’s possible for you to do the impossible!

  2. Educate- I believe we were made for continual learning. Constantly striving increase your knowledge base especially about things that impact your life and your goals in life is God’s plan for us~ we have insane brains that need to be used! I don’t expect everyone to have as much passion as I do for certain topics (fitness, diet, supplements, sports, etc) , and so I take it upon myself to help EDUCATE others in an interesting yet uncomplicated manner. I am a teacher and love teaching others what I KNOW~ but you each of us need to embrace the truth that learning doesn’t happen by OSMOSIS. It’s our responsibility to educate ourselves through reading, listening, observing, trying, doing and at times failing. We can’t sit around and wait for someone else to do it for you…you need to be your own self advocate. Education is not only book learning…it’s putting what you learn into action. Dig into every piece of knowledge you can about the topics that impact you and your goals. Learning takes TIME, effort and dedication; Be Patient with it, there is NO expert born overnight. In the book “Outliers” by Malcom Gladwell, he spoke about the fact that 10,000 hours of TIME was needed for someone to become a master at something. Don’t expect to be an expert overnight. But instead look to the help of “EXPERTS” to educate you…Strive to learn from the best!

  3. Engage- People are our greatest resource. Engaging with others who are successful or at least passionate about similar goals is vital to success. You can learn tons about how they’ve found success, creative ideas for implementation of ideas, camaraderie (mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together), motivation and healthy competition by ENGAGING with others. God truly populated this earth and created us for relationship. ENGAGING with others exponentially increases synergy. Synergy is the energy that we get from working with others towards common goals. It rocks! Together Everyone Accomplishes More! TEAM!

  4. Empower- This goes hand in hand with the first 3 e’s. You will become EMPOWERED with the confidence, belief and knowledge about how to attain your goals from setting high expectations, educating yourself and by engaging with others who have accomplished similar goals. Also, small successes lead to becoming empowered. One good choice, One more discovery, one more confidence boost, one more day of having faith, etc…all build the power of your focus and EMPOWER you toward more success. Other things also empower you…include your time with GOD. God is the God of Power, believing that He’s got good blessings in store for you. Believing in His Unconditional LOVE for you will allow you to operate in a new found confidence that is AMAZING! Feeling secure in your mission on the earth and God’s plan for you to PROSPER is very empowering. Empowerment also comes from ANGER…getting a “REVENGE” attitude at times causes us to really be stronger than we ever imagined. RAW anger at your current status in life can help you feel the power you need to take action towards your goals. Empowerment creates momentum in your life towards action. Momentum can roll either direction– towards your goals or away…Get EMPOWERED with a momentum that brings success!!
  5. Edify-The most successful people in the world NEVER got there on their own. Those who pretend to have attained greatness without the help of others are living a lie. To be a true success in anything you had others there to assist you. Be sure to EDIFY their participation as you find success. Edifying others is a hard skill to learn and often difficult because it takes effort, action and a selfless attitude. Giving credit to others who help you, support you, enable you, encourage you, teach you and inspire you are vital to true success! Edification of others shows that you are respectful and honorable…both qualities that attract others who want to help you become even more successful. Edification is different than encouragement or even thankfulness. It is an unsolicited public acknowledgement of others contributions to your success.

    So then let us follow after things which make for peace, and things whereby we may edify one another.” Romans 14:19(ASV)

  6. Encourage- It’s no secret that I feel the BEST way to stay motivated and excited towards your own goals is to ENCOURAGE others towards theirs. It’s magic how much accountability encouraging others creates within yourself. I’ve been asked countless times on how I stay motivated to stay in shape year after year. Let me tell you one thing, It’s not that I get ENCOURAGED to keep at it more than the average person. It is instead that I GIVE OUT way more encouragement to others than the average person. Motivation comes from deep within our soul, the power of ENCOURAGING another toward similar goals makes us want to rise higher to be a shining example for them. We glean from their excitement and their accomplishments towards their personal success.

I know I need to be continually reminded to PRACTICE these 6 E’s for Success!

I plan to keep this list at the forefront of my mind during the remainder of 2014 and I plan to ACT out EACH of the 6 E’s on toward BIG SUCCESSES!! I pray that you do too!! We can change the world for good!!

Your friend,


The Key to your Motivation is to Encourage others!