40 Days to Fit ~ Day 24

Day #24-FIT tip-
ME FIRST at restaurants.  Did you know that if you order first you are less likely to be swayed by your friends menu choices? Order first for success!

Day #24-Featured ARTICLE-

Female Fat FURNACES!!

I am building my body into a BEAUTIFUL, Symmetrical, CURVY, Lean, BUFF Female Fat FURNACE!!


Ever one of my lifting workouts start with a BIG focus on BIG MOVEMENTs!
That is the key to getting results. The foundation to my training program has revolved around using my BIG muscles and sticking to mostly BIG movements. Auxiliary exercises are not nearly as effective as the MAIN BIG ones.
So keep that in mind when you are working out. THINK “what is the BIGGEST hardest exercise I can do right now for the BIGGEST muscles on my body?” And then do them…you will be amazed at how much more results you will gain.

Please read MUSCLE BURNS FAT! for more understanding about this concept.


Yesterday, was a BIG Movement LEG Day- for my BIGGEST potential Fat FURNACES…Then today my focus was my 2nd Largest muscle group…my BACK!! Did you know that your back and legs contain over 70% of your entire muscle mass?

…AND since MUSCLE BURNS FAT~ you need to BUILD them into the most active muscles on your body…in order to that you have to LIFT HEAVY! NO more foo, foo weights! They only work the muscle you have and are nothing more than glorified cardio. Go for the weights that CHALLENGE your muscles and you will be surprised at how much leaner you can become!

Please keep commenting~ It will help you stay focused…just 17 days (including today) left of the Challenge!!!
Burn baby Burn!!
BuffMother, Michelle Berger



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