Listening to your body – even when it tells you BAD NEWS!

Listening to your body- even when it tells you BAD NEWS! is the lesson I’ve learned this weekend.  I’ve been pretty much ignoring my body’s plea to STOP and REST due to back/pelvis/hip/sacrum/sciatic pain for the past 2-3 weeks.  AND it caught up with me on Saturday. After my workout I was in a ton of pain and have been pretty much IMMOBILE since then.

I got to the chiro first thing this morning and he told me what I already knew that I needed to ICE and REST so that the cycle of pain could stop.

So….I am taking the week completely off of normal workouts.  It may KILL ME, but I’m going to submit and do it.

The timing of this is not the best with the start of our 6 week contest being today, but I’m allowing contestants to join in up to a week late, so I’ll do the same.

I posted about the TESTS for the contest in the forum and I’ll be posting a bunch more info as we go along, so STAY TUNED!! It’s going to be a fun 6 week challenge!!

I’m off to ICE!




2 Replies to “Listening to your body – even when it tells you BAD NEWS!

  1. Michelle, so sorry to hear about the pain/injury. I have been an ACE certified fitness instructor since 1999. I used to have sciatic issues to where I couldn’t get out of bed without crying and it was painful just to walk until I started doing yoga. I started with just once a week and now I am a Registered Yoga Trainer – 200 hr level. I do yoga 2 to 3 times a week and continue to teach other formats, lift weights, run, etc. I haven’t had a flare up in over 3 years. It has made such a difference. Something you might consider. The chiropractor was my solution too, but it was always a temporary fix. Yoga seems to have made it a permanent fix. Just a suggestion! Rest, ice and hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. Good to hear you’ve overcome it!
    I do agree that yoga would help my hips a ton~ thanks for the insight!!

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