40 Days to FIT!! Day 19~ Sometimes Rest is Best!

I took yesterday OFF~ Sometimes Rest is BEST

~ BUT got back to it today…had a great Chest/Tri/Abs and running of intervals outside~ now off to do errands! TGIF!!

For those of you who missed your day 19  e-mail today here it is!!

Day #19-FIT tip-
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”…get some more mirrors!  They will help you keep tabs on your progress, your posture and your overall appearance.  Using mirrors during your workouts help you keep an eye on your workout moves to ensure proper form, maximize performance and prevent injury.

Day #19-Feature-

Please comment for your accountability~ stay focused…22 days left to get FIT!!!

Be sure to smile at your reflection!!
BuffMother, Michelle Berger



17 Replies to “40 Days to FIT!! Day 19~ Sometimes Rest is Best!

  1. LOL! Yeah, mirrors help keep you accountable too. They don’t lie. Except the ones in the Dept. stores! 😀

  2. I noticed that also…..They put in special lights that make you look better than in real light…..but mirrors are good….It helps me to stay focused……Hard leg workout on Saturday + Zumba for an hour…..Legs still sore….

  3. Ive been gone since Friday and needed some R & R. slept more in the last few days than in a week. Took 2 days off w/o. Back strong though on Monday.

  4. day 19…losing my mojo today…blahhhhh….But, i WILL do cardio and work out hard today…,enjoy the day!!!

  5. You look great!!! And I love my mirrors they help A LOT I can not believe the definition in my stomach I have abs!!!! Sent out a media alert It’s a miracle!! LOL THanks again Michelle you rock for helping all of us I hope you know that!!!!!

  6. REST is GOOD!!! I try to limit it to one day a week though except when boosting then its twice a week 😉

  7. I worked my legs hard today. I was on vaca all weekend so ready to get back at it!

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