Band Blasting Saturday!

Well, I was TREATED today~
Fist thing this morning I got my hair done, Miss Christy Lemke, at Salon Athena, does it so nicely and so fast. I got some highlilghts, low lights, a nice wash, a good trim, a blow dry and style all in just 80mins!
Then, I got a wonderful facial along with my eyelashes dyed black; I have never had this done before~ kinda cool! I could almost get away just curling my lashes and going without wearing mascara now.
the THIRD thing I did was to get my teeth Whitened at the salon~ it takes just 15 mins and really works well…I did the same procedure (White Science) in September and can’t go back home whitening strips (THEY make my teeth so sensitive).
Hope you had a good day too.



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