BuffMother! NEWS!!! Feature on the Local NBC affiliate!!

Ohhh! Yeah!! Thank You JESUS!

What a wonderful DAY! Today was the first day back at school for the
kiddo's, Thursdays are my MOM's day out. I planned to write a couple
training programs and catch up on some much needed "me" time.

BUT, When the assignment editor from the local NBC News Station, KNWA, called this
morning to tell me they were going to do the feature on BuffMother!
TODAY I was pumped and threw all plans out the window!

I spent the rest of my MOM's Day out (God had that plan work to
perfection) preparing for my interview. It went well and I learned a
ton, so that next time (and there will be a next time) I will be even
better prepared.

The outcome of the News feature had it's good and mediocre points, but
overall VERY AWESOME!!

Thank you all for your support, excitement, encouragement
and positive attitudes.

God is so Good!



2 Replies to “BuffMother! NEWS!!! Feature on the Local NBC affiliate!!

  1. Wow Michelle that is so awesome, congrats to you! I read the article, if they post the video let us at Buffmother know. God IS good indeed.


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